Sheila Beaupre, Certified Scentsy Consultant
SuperStar Consultant
My Story
That's exactly it....I'm just a girl who decided to go for it!! That was 4 years ago and honestly I'm very grateful I took my passion for wanting to do more for myself and my family and started my very own Scentsy business!
I want to share my personal 'WHY' reason that I'm thrilled to be part of Scentsy!
Yes of course I love having free Scentsy products and an extra pay each month BUT Scentsy to me is so much MORE!
Personal growth for me has been huge! As an empty nester I am now my own person. Yes I'm still a momma but just a little different. I'm not having to be up in the middle of the night for fevers and sick little ones. I'm not running the roads all over for kiddies baseball or hockey practice and games, 4H shows, play dates and school activities, chauffeuring kids and friends to movies or other fun outings....yes I absolutely miss those days but now it's time for this momma bear to start getting out and enjoying life differently!
Scentsy has allowed my passion for personal growth a possibility and I'm thrilled to be moving forward each and every day!
I would love so much to share my Scentsy blessings with you as soon as your willing to jump off the fence and join! Who wants to enjoy this same passion? Your personal 'WHY' is very likely different than mine and that's the very reason you need to start! Honestly you will be incredibly happy too and I know you will be very thankful.
Let's get you started on your very own Scentsy journey!
I promise to help YOU be as successful as YOU can be!!!
www.sheilabeaupre.scentsy.ca/join is your next step! Let's do this together!